HarborPoint Bancard Corporation

email  info@hpbancard.com

phone  732-866-8444

fax  732-866-0999

Secure Your Business. 


We have developed a comprehensive security package to help you protect your business and validate your compliance with PCI data security standards.  Learn how to protect your business from credit card data theft.  Card data security is not just for merchants taking credit cards over the Internet.  In fact, all merchants must comply with the security standards.  Card data thefts are increasing at an alarming rate, and small business owners throughout the country are starting to realize that a theft of cardholder data could put them out of business!



Did You Know...


If Just a Few Credit Card Numbers are Stolen,

It Can Cost a Merchant

Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Fines,

Assessments, Forensic Audit Fees

and Other Penalties? 



        Protect Your Business from Card Data Breaches

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You'll be surprised to learn where most data thefts occur.
The majority of all card data theft cases occur at small retail locations including land line dial terminal merchants.  How?
  • Improper storage of paper receipts and reports containing cardholder data
  • Improper care when handling a customer's credit card
  • Improper storage of card information on computer systems in an unsecured fashion
  • Improper storage of handwritten credit card information
  • Improper or nonfunctioning firewalls between a physical dial terminal and another device that may be connected to the Internet
  • Utilizing software that is not PCI compliant and is improperly storing cardholder data unsecurely
  • The use of unsecured voice over IP communication technology